The bar has been set so high in terms of content and subject, that some mornings, browsing the web has become almost mundane. But, every once in a while, you stumble across a website that puts a smile on your face, and makes it all worthwhile. is pretty consistent in delivering quality content, and today is no exception. Sharing the Dieline’s Top 10 Package Design winners will probably put a smile on your face, too.
here are the top 3 – check out the site to see the rest.
Cute, simple, and above all – effective. Who couldn’t buy a banana with a picture of a cyclops on it?
But whenever there are winners, there have to be losers. With top ten lists, I like to think about the ones that didn’t quite make the cut…
because unlike the Chiquita, you just can’t trust the packaging provided by mother nature
I thought it was spelled with two A’s
Easter’s coming – make sure you get your little angel something to play with.
Have you seen any great, or not-so-great, packaging lately?