advice, blogging, Career Advice, copywriting, ethics, Freelance, LinkedIn, Writing 27 Mar 2013 Scam, Scam, Scam A few months ago, I created a mailing list to share opportunities with local freelance writers. Recently, one of the writers on the list had a less-than-impressive experience with one… Jason
blogging, ethics, Social Media, twitter, Writing 17 Jun 2011 Is Your Character Shining Through your Tweets? It is for @FootButterGuy @SustainablyLush #FF I was scrolling through the tweets of the aftermath of the riot in Vancouver, and came across a conversation between a pair of local tweeters, @FootButterGuy and @SustainablyLush. What caught… Jason
blogging, Branding, ethics, Freelance, Writing 07 Apr 2011 The Easiest $50 I Never Made I’ve been pretty lucky in my freelance career so far, most of my clients are excellent and the rest of them are amazing. Great people to work with, willing to… Jason
ethics, Local Linchpin 25 Feb 2011 Local Linchpin – Janis La Couvée @lacouvee OK – it seems like I’m a bit slow out of the gate on the local linchpins, but it’s not for lack of finding amazing people to talk about. This… Jason
ethics, Freelance, Social Media 15 Oct 2010 Saving Water by Freelancing – Blog Action Day Post Today is Blog Action Day, and the focus is on Water. Since almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water, it’s safe to… Jason 2 Comments