March 30, 2010 Jason

4 Awesome Twitter Tools

stwitter tools There are some excellent tools out there to help you become more productive in the social media universe.  What? Productivity in social media??  What a concept.

We’ve touched on some of these tools in previous posts, but today we are going to take a bit of a deeper look at a few of them.

  1. Tweetdeck: A great utility for you to manage all of your social media personas, including Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and LinkedIn. Manage multiple accounts, and tweet from them all with just one click.  Also available for your smartphone, so you can always be connected.  With multiple search options, you can follow different streams easily.
  2. Hootsuite: Another utility that lets you manage multiple accounts on different SM platforms.  Schedule your tweets to be sent out at specific dates/times – handy if you want to run a timed promotion or automate your self-promotion tweets so.  Like Tweetdeck, you can follow multiple search terms easily, allowing you to listen for topics that are interesting to you.
  3. Tweepler: Analyze and process your followers to get the most value out of your time in the social network.  Why waste time reading useless tweets from spam bots, when you could be engaging with a future partner or client?  Tweepler helps you sort out your followers with a simple interface – Follow or Ignore.
  4. FriendOrFollow?: Do you really need to know who in your list of followers is following you back?  If you can’t sleep at night because you are worried about offending someone by unfollowing them – check here to see if they are even following you anymore.  But Twitter isn’t a game, and just because someone isn’t following you, doesn’t mean that you won’t get value from following them.  Think communication, not competition.

Once you have a strategy and goals for your social media interaction initiative (SMII), try these tools to make your campaign easier, valuable, as well as measurable.

Do you have a social media strategy?


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