facebook, Social Media, twitter 29 Apr 2011 Hypothetically – The Future of Twitter While working on a project for another client, examining native apps vs HTML5/webapps, I started thinking about the possible future of Twitter. Since the birth of twitter on March 21st,… Jason
Business Tools, Freelance, Writing 28 Apr 2011 Zoho – quick and awesome – Freemium style Just a quick post today – love being busy, hate that I neglect my blog when it happens. I recently stumbled across a new (well, new to me) company that… Jason
copywriting, Social Media, Writing 14 Apr 2011 Does Grammar Really Matter? Let me preface this – I am not a spelling nazi. You will find spelling mistakes in my blog, in my tweets, and in my facebook posts – and I… Jason
blogging, Branding, ethics, Freelance, Writing 07 Apr 2011 The Easiest $50 I Never Made I’ve been pretty lucky in my freelance career so far, most of my clients are excellent and the rest of them are amazing. Great people to work with, willing to… Jason