Uncategorized 28 Jul 2009 What is the point of Shock Advertising? As a final project in the communications program at Royal Roads University here in Victoria, BC, our team decided to investigate the value of shock advertising - do the ends… Jason 1 Comment
blogging, ethics, Writing 28 Jul 2009 Why do we need ethics? There are times when the right and wrong decisions are obvious, but what about the times where the outcome is less clear? Situations where, if nobody knew you made the… Jason 11 Comments
Uncategorized 28 Jul 2009 Creating a Personal Code of Ethics I was recently invited challenged to create a list of ethics that apply to me. After careful deliberation, and some critical self-analysis, this is what I came up with. I… Jason 6 Comments
Uncategorized 28 Jul 2009 What’s the value of an idea? I came up with the idea for the iPhone. Well, maybe not the idea for the iPhone, but I certainly thought about merging my cell phone with my MP3 player.… Jason